Friday, June 21, 2013

Ann Dong, I Disagree

Ann Dong
10:20 PM (2 minutes ago)

to me, Nga, Zhang, Do, My, Hung, joeyarnold7, travelmate, Dieu, adriana, Linda, Joey, Quynh, irishcommdept, Sang, Yong, sulma, Charles, Fiona, Couchsurfing, Joy, P.Thao, originaloatmeal, Ngoc, Brent
Seriously, you are the most annoying people I've ever met in my entire life man. Can you just please stop CC me in your bullshit emails. Cause I don't need to read those things, and I guess most of the people you CC, they don't care too. You know why? Cause nobody cares, it's your things, your own problems, then DEAL with it yourself man. I have my things to deal in our lives and I can't plus I don't want to get involved in your own shit, you own life man. GROW UP.
I hope you get it. And thank you so much.
Sent from my android.
On 21 Jun 2013 21:17, "Original Oatmeal Gmail" <> wrote:
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
10:21 PM (1 minute ago)

to Ann
Ann, I disagree.

Wrong Way?

Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
9:17 PM (1 hour ago)

to P.Thao, sulma, Tram, Dieu, Tyler, travelmate, Fiona, Joy, Joey, Couchsurfing, CS, Ann, Nga, Quynh, Hung, Sang, Zhang, Yong, MICHAEL, Brent, Joo, My, Uyen, Do, Jennifer
Which Wrong Way?

How is that wrong?

That doesn't Make Sense.

How is 

"Compensating Your Debts" wrong?

People tell you it is wrong?

Your sister says it is wrong?

What is wrong?

How can it be wrong?

Why would it be wrong?

How can it be wrong?

It does not make sense.

Keep your words.

Keep your promises.

Continue your integrity.

Strive on that character.

Go down that path.

Commit to promises.

Commit to commitments.

If you say it, then do it.

My name is Joey Arnold.

My exact name is Joseph Scott Arnold, as found on my birth certificate.

I was born on Monday or Tuesday, the 11th of February 1985 in Forest Grove, Oregon, United States of northern America of the new world.

I am the Original Oatmeal. 

Dear Kathy.

This is to you, as in you.

I am writing this to you.

This goes out to others as well.  

I write at

What you say goes here.

For all to see and read and feel.

This is written to Kathy.

Her name is Kathy Thao Doung.

It does not make sense.

Kathy, you say it would be wrong.

It is not wrong.

How is doing right wrong?

How is doing that wrong?

If you owe money, you return it.

How is that wrong?

If you make a mistake, correct it.

You make mistakes.

You stole money from me.

You stole my bicycle.

You made me eat things.

You ran me over.

You lie.

You yell.

You tell lies.

You forced me to do things.

You hurt me.


Ann Dong
10:20 PM (2 minutes ago)

to me, Nga, Zhang, Do, My, Hung, joeyarnold7, travelmate, Dieu, adriana, Linda, Joey, Quynh, irishcommdept, Sang, Yong, sulma, Charles, Fiona, Couchsurfing, Joy, P.Thao, originaloatmeal, Ngoc, Brent
Seriously, you are the most annoying people I've ever met in my entire life man. Can you just please stop CC me in your bullshit emails. Cause I don't need to read those things, and I guess most of the people you CC, they don't care too. You know why? Cause nobody cares, it's your things, your own problems, then DEAL with it yourself man. I have my things to deal in our lives and I can't plus I don't want to get involved in your own shit, you own life man. GROW UP.
I hope you get it. And thank you so much.
Sent from my android.
On 21 Jun 2013 21:17, "Original Oatmeal Gmail" <> wrote:
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
10:21 PM (1 minute ago)

to Ann
Ann, I disagree.

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